End of Year Report 2023
The Addiction Research Foundation accomplished so much in 2023, and we wanted to share all the fantastic things we did and continued.
The Addiction Research Foundation accomplished so much in 2023, and we wanted to share all the fantastic things we did and continued.
Steve Moore talks about how there is a sales team in our mind selling a person on using despite negative consequences and what to do to counter them https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XLbURGZaro8
Is this normal? Am I crazy?I hear some form of these questions almost every day.Over the years, I have answered in various lighthearted ways that were mostly intended to sooth and encourage.But lately I have been thinking about the question more deeply and more personally.What is normal and considered to be mentally healthy? To compete [...]
At the Addiction Research Foundation, we conducted an online survey that was pushed through social media. We at the point where we started noticing that women and men attended self help meetings at a different rate wehad close to 1000 respondents. Of these respondents close to two thirds were women. While women were more likely to respond to an online survey they were less likely [...]
% (percentage) Family 53.1 Spirituality 49.4 Friends 43.3 Exercise 30.6 Meditation 23.3 Nutrition 20.4 Leisure 20 Journaling 11.8 Religion 11.8 This Table illustrates the most commonly reported types of activity in order of frequency, with the top three being family, spirituality, and friends that people use to support their recovery outside of self help [...]
Here is some information from the most recent data set of the on line addiction research survey as of March 2015. As we have said, this data is very preliminary and we are not ready to start making any statements about what it might mean. However, we still find some of this to be very [...]
There is general agreement that follow up study of patients with substance use disorders is difficult. Longitudinal drug addiction research with any diverse population is hard, but this seems to present unique challenges. So many of the questions about longer term outcomes remain unanswered. Almost all of the published studies that are available are on [...]