
At this time Refuge Recovery is meeting twice a week Smart Recovery is meeting once a week, a weekly yoga class, a professional’s meditation and sharing group called EMIT is provided once a month and various other workshops have been provided in this space.  In October at the grand opening the founder of Refuge Recovery came and provided 2 different workshops, one for individuals utilizing Refuge Recovery and another for professionals.

Refuge Recovery has seen their meeting attendance increase from a low of about 8 attendees to a high of 23.  The trend is indicating this is due to an increase in female participation.  We believe that this is due to ARF supporting childcare for the meeting which in turns creates a friendlier atmosphere for all females. From our research what we see is that females appear to be the population least likely to seek a support system .

C3 is providing the space for the only Smart Recovery meeting in the Birmingham area at this time.  They have an average of 20 attendees per week and are currently looking at growing their meeting.  In Smart Recovery they have to be led by a trained facilitator and they are trying to get more people trained at this time.

The current Yoga class is led by a local woman Anne Bailey and currently averages 6-7 attendees per week.  This is a growing class.

C3 also opened a lounge area connected to C3 where individuals are able to meet and discuss recovery, have small get-togethers among the communities and also has a library of various and eclectic books on recovery that individuals can borrow from.  C3 truly is becoming a community within itself.

The ARF team led a New Year Cleanse on New Year’s Day that was attended by about 15 individuals.  It was a moving experience that appeared to help all with their own recovery.  There have been Mindful Eating Classes held in the space as well.  We are currently lining up other workshops including one on The Moore Method and one on Somatic Experiencing.

We are very excited about the dramatic results thus far since opening C3 in October and about the coming year and what it will bring.